Tuesday, March 16, 2010


A shattered heart and broken smile I own, worlds of confusion and haunted eyes. Empty words with hollow meaning and floods of regret drowning everything.

While your hate cuts deeper than knife and regret twists the blade, I don't know how this got so hopeless. Or why I continually try to live a lie. Through trying to keep above the tides of sorrow, I am putting myself through hell.  

My struggle to sleep proves this no nightmare, while I fight to remain alive. Knowing it won’t be easy to put back all these pieces. And so I sit alone and wonder awhile. Questioning how long will I remain, still waiting for you to stop hating me

Broken hearted from my collapsed dreams as I realise how useless it all is. You’ve given me an introduction to pain. A lesson in hatred and all I have to show is scars.

I don't know where to go from here, or where to turn to now. But I'll send you this message if you’re not deafened by your scorn:

“Although leaving this is painful I'll learn to survive alone”

These ghosts, though, shall remain with me, showing in my eyes and always will there be a sadness weighing down my heart.
The four loneliest words..... ‘It might have been’

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