Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Five Minute Free Write.

Some people would call me crazy

But I find labels make me itch.

Often they don’t fit anyway,

like a small knit jumper, clinging in all the wrong places.


A friend said spoke of dreams today,

of holding on when nothing else is left.

Mine are content to slip away

flashing at me teasingly, like collarbones in winter,

displayed only when a scarf slips.

1 comment:

  1. I love Free Writing! In class everyone would moan when the instructors would say write for the next 3 minutes or 5. I loved to do it because it was like dumping out my head on to a piece of paper to clear the cobwebs out but then it would begin to take a form and when the timer went off I would be the one moaning because it was becoming something. Excellent!
