Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Closed chaos.

sounds like silence,
honeyed tones of purple.
Whisper words of nothing
and sing me to sleep.
I'll lose you
in the music,
just to find
myself in mid air.
Dreams of drawing
faces in the mist
and dancing in the dark.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Emerald eyes

Emptiness. As ink
glides across white.
Just how much nothing
can fill a page? 
Clear as crystal,
the dust, 
in a mud pie of emotion.
Poems about poetry,
words within words.
Imagine all the clouds
we’d float on,
just to see the world.
Open arms embrace
the blade, to
bury in my chest.
How much hurt can
emerald eyes hide?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Unpainted fingernails
breaking skin,
lines of parallel freedom
brought with blood price.

Each breath whispers
a certain failure.
Each stroke of the pen,
a blackened thought,
with no message.

Through a haze
of cigarette smoke and
empty thoughts I see,
with blank eyes;
a broken mind.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Burn it to the ground

All to nothing,
ashes for all,
dust to share.
Souls touched by the mist
of the fireman's hose
"Save me!"
my voice screaming,
while I light
another match and whisper
"Burn it to the ground."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Old friend

Your hips jutted
more than mine did,
as you traced lines
from my bellybutton to my belt.

Spontaneous combustion of my core
when we used to sit
on you bed in silence,
with nothing to say,
words weren't needed.

You were my addiction:
a drug of flesh and blood,
lust and passion,
enveloped in cigarette smoke

I'll never forget you
gave me that gift...
A dangerous boy
that made me feel safe.

I saw you across the car park today
Old friend...
would you even know
my face in a crowd?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Movement in the air

A feathered symphony of floating.
Wish upon a breaking mind,
I'll lend you a piece,
and dare me to prove sanity.
Let them caress your soul
with wings of softest night;
the harshest notes of their ‘caw’
strike a melody in mine.
Winging their cursive on
an ever darkening sky, of feathered breasts
and unfettered floating

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wall flower

Often I find myself
standing somewhere at the back of a room
and watching you.
Just the way you move.

So I lay myself bare to you,
a blank canvas,
a landscape of emotion
just waiting to be painted

Because you just have this way,
of making me feel so small
and building me up.
But you just don’t see me
as you pass on by.

So I'll stand here and wait
and hope you don’t see my tears.